Network for Young Researchers in Andrology

Our objective
Establishing global networks between young scientists
The Network for Young Researchers in Andrology (previously International Network for Young Researchers in Male Fertility) is committed to establishing global networks between young (early stage) scientists in testicular research and to promote cooperation and mutual exchange of methodologies and expertise.
Best way to connect
Annual NYRA meeting
Every year we organize our annual meeting. The program includes plenary lectures of well-known experts in the research field, workshops, poster sessions, scientific speed-dating, and more.
Latest news
Subscribe to the NYRA newsletter
What NYRA offers to their subscribers?
- Free NYRA membership
- Attendance to our annual meetings at members’ fee
- Eligibility to receive travel grants for NYRA Meetings
- Participation in NYRA satellite sessions at other meetings
- Circulation of latest news
- Seasonal newsletter including news from NYRA, press highlights, tête-a-tête with relevant researchers, vacant positions, etc.
If you want to renew your membership, or become part of our community, just fill in the fields on the link and click on the “SUBSCRIBE” button.